IMPORTANT ! Before you download, you must enable permission as below first
This is necessary to install any app outside of the Play Store
重要 ! 在下載之前,您必須首先啟用以下權限
All the dramas in this app are publicly free and available on public domains.
We just provide a way to auto stream videos that are uploaded by the officials channels themselves.
All the videos provided in this application has the copyrights of their respective owners. We do not show any live tv.
Please install the latest version. We have moved to our website to distribute app. Offline mode is comming soon. Thank you for your trust and use aDrama.
請安裝最新版本。 我們已經移動到我們的網站來分發應用程序。 離線模式即將推出。 感謝您的信任並使用aDrama。
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